Random Thoughts About 2017

Hi guys!!!

This year has been so far, the luckiest year of my life. And I've never been so happy about it. As a matter of fact I have (re)-learned to kick the two pedals of a bicycle after I have lost the so-called muscle memory that I gained way back on circa 2006 when I was still 6 years old. Fortunately, it only took me more or less an hour to find what's lost within me, though I almost fell off the ground. hehehehe. Alas, I can now feel the wind rushing through my skin as I kick the pedal with my own feet. For this I can feel freedom. This made me feel sorry about those wasted years waiting for my missing-in-action father whom I thought gives a damn about me in becoming the father I always dreamt him to be. Anyways, just after learning the bike, I considered having an upgrade. I considered something that runs on gasoline, let's say a motorcycle.

Fast forward: 2 days later...

Okay-so, on the morning of this day I approached my female close friend and asked her to help me borrow the motorcycle of our other male classmate... Given the permission to use the vehicle and the skills of my female tutor I was determined to take the driver's seat and make some broom-broom. On first try, I quickly learned the basics. And, as I twist the handle, I felt the most satisfying moment of my life. So I decided to use the honda scoopy of my tita with permission of course. I was so blinded by the satisfation that I immediately went on the high-way going south, then went back home as I reach the heart of Sibulan. And I did it everyday just until yesterday when I encountered what most riders don't anticipate. It happened as I cross the intersection to the high-way from our subdivision. Who knew hooking up with a tricycle and get dragged slighly would be that easy? Good thing I wore my favourite jeans that protected most of my legs from getting bruises with contact to the road. Though my knees were slightly dragged off the road that my jeans got hole and got my knees a 1 inch diameter wound. pfff..

But still this year is so much better than just sitting on a couch coding some random stuffs.

I knew I'm not good in explaining things because of my grammar. but please do consider, because what's the whole point of studying if you were to judge me before I even finish it? that makes sense right? ok cool!!